It has been almost 6 weeks since I had Isabella (Jamie's very excited about that), and I can't believe how much she has grown. Everyone's favorite question to ask is "is she sleeping through the night". No, she is not. She likes to wake up 1 to 2 times at night, but goes right back to sleep. Except for last night of course. Jamie was gone, so she woke up 3 times and the third time she was ready to party! With Christian I was a wreck thinking I would never sleep through the night again-with her, I know it will all be over soon and I don't want her to grow up too fast. I used to dislike the infant stage, but everything she does is so magical that I have to say this is by far my favorite time. Anyway, it has been an adjustment for everyone. Christian and Nico have quickly learned that she consumes much of my time and they have been very patient about that. Poor Jamie feels like he never gets to hold her because she's always eating. I think we're all getting used to some changes, but we love having her and wouldn't have it any other way.
Elli, my little sister took pics of Isabella and designed the cards. She is very talented. People keep asking me if she does this for a living. Nope, she does it for fun. I think she makes more money in her Nursing career than taking free photos for family and friends. Although, I believe she has started to charge some money because it is time consuming. Anyway, I love her great talent!

This is a tentative schedule. We need to clear it with the Bishopric and make sure it will be okay. She sent them to me today, so I had to post.

This pic is for my mother-in-law. She is the only person I know that giggles when babies cry-she thinks it's so cute (I think she's secretly laughing because they aren't her kids to deal with, she gets to spoil them and then go home. I can't wait to be a grandma-did I just say that????).

Typical morning at our house. I just finished feeding Isabella and Nico and Christian are all over her trying to kiss her or hold her.