We had our first official family reunion with my family over the 4th of July weekend. What a great time we had together! We drove out Thursday to Utah and the very next day we went to spend the day at Deer Creek with a boat and 2 wave runners. The kids just LOVED the wave runners and the boat was very busy all day with wake boarders and kids on the banana. I was sooo incredibly sore the rest of our stay. My body used muscles that I didn't even know I had while I was wake boarding. I think next time we go to the lake at the end of our stay, or I get in shape. One or the other will do. We stayed with Elli this trip. What a great host she and Dewayne are! They gave us their Master Bedroom, toothbrushes, lotion, a bag for our dirty clothes, unlimited amounts of cereal, fresh baked cookies when we first walked in from our long drive, bought all the meet for our BBQ on the 4th, made fantastic chicken salad sandwiches for the lake
and also gave me a bottle of Bath and Body lotion to take home, which I absolutely love! I couldn't have asked for a better time or stay! Thanks Elli for making our trip so memorable.
So after a day at the lake, we spend time with my parents. Then on Sunday we went to visit Jamie's sister Lisa in Logan. Pictures of the rest of our trip will follow.

Summer and Lili. Summer is such a fun niece! She is always so willing to help and LOVES baby Lili!

On our drive to Utah. Going on a trip is always so much fun. The way back....not so much.

Christian is getting so big. He was in love with the wave runners. Jamie secretly let him drive one and he was on cloud nine! He kept asking us if he could tell people he drove one because we told him not to tell so the other kids wouldn't want to drive a wave runner as well.

Poor Izzy had a broken "egg" (that is what she says). She spent the time either on the boat, wave runner or next to McKynlee playing in the water or watching a movie. Look at how cute McKynlee's swimsuit is!

Lili is always such a happy camper! She started to dislike her car seat on this trip. The count down to turning her around has begun!

Me and my baby. I can't get enough of her!

Ooooh my! I love this chunky baby. I got her these cute shades online to protect her eyes. She looks so stinkin' cute.

Kids waiting for boat rides. Fun time with cousins!

And of course a pic of my sister Elisa and I. Elisa looks tan because she has actually gotten to go to the pool this summer. I on the other hand have stayed inside with a baby and a 2 year old with a broken leg. At least Izzy got a water proof cast after two weeks with a whole leg cast....that was torture.

Me oh my! Look at my cute nephew Caleb. If I was holding Lili or anybody else, he would want to come over and be held. It didn't matter that we hardly saw each other, he just wanted that one on one attention. Love this little guy!

Lili with her Tia Sandee! Sandee organized and planned pretty much the whole reunion. I love having her in our family. She is a great sister and so much fun....wait till you see her new kitchen! Oh my, she is one talented lady.

Izzy learned to say "punch it!" while riding the wave runner. She still talks about riding on it to this day. So much fun.

A Brazilian, Argentinian and American at the grill. No make shift BBQ or Asado or Churrasco could have been better. Around 5 pm, we were having so much fun, we decided to stay rather than go home. So, Andres took our new friend Ricardo (from Brazil), bought some meet and coals and an hour later we had yummy chicken, sausage and steak. Yumm!

Izzy and her Papa. There are no two more happy people on the planet when this photo was taken.