We made a last minute trip to Cali due to timeshare availability and ended up having a blast. We started our trip with delicious pastries from an Argentine Bakery thanks to Steve and SJ (Steven James has now decided he wants to be called SJ). The weather was a bit on the colder side, but we got to enjoy everything we set out to do. Here are a few pics of our trip.

Not sure what is being said here, but Christian was on one this trip. Everything had to be comical.

I am now beginning to understand why little girls have short hair. Comb anyone?

KT is such a cute mommy! She is also pregers, but not showing nearly as much as I was. If only I hadn't gained 10 lbs right off the bat....

Laguna Beach is our new favorite beach in California. So kid and Caro friendly. Icecream shop was only across the street....a stone through away. The beach also had a playground for kids who get bored of the beach...as if that ever has happened.

Of course D-Land was part of our adventure. Call me a cheapo, but those 274 bucks hurt more than I can explain. We will only be doing this once in a while. I would be content with never doing it again, but can that be considered child neglect and abandonment?

This was merely for the 1 and a half year old who has already forgotten about this event. At least this proof will keep it alive in her mind for the rest of her life. All is not a wasted.

Look at the happy look on her face. That was almost priceless. I can only imagine what she was thinking. Going from seeing this character on TV to real life must be some what confusing to a one year old. Too bad Mikey was wearing some kind of crazy winter outfit. Where are the traditional red overalls?

The whole clan at Disney. Minus KT who is of course behind the camera. These guys were troopers.

Love these kids. Am I the luckiest Mom in the world or what? It was so fun being together with them. They were so gracious, it was so pleasant to be there with them. Christian even got a blister on his foot from walking around so much and didn't complain about it till we were walking out of the park at 8:30 at night (by far our longest stay at any park ever).

And of course, our Cali trip wouldn't be complete without Best Buddy. These guys are the best and so much fun to hang out with. Glad we could visit the California Townsends while we were there.
Fun! But I want to know more as to why you weren't totally impressed with Disneyland! I think Derek and I were more giddy than our kids were when we took them. Of course, we did have free tickets...
We are leaving for WA in mid-July. We'll have to get together one day before we go. Derek graduates June 19-- maybe you could come up and we could take his parent's boat out for a day.
I think I need to revisit D-land. You guys are the best parents, taking your kids to d-land over Spring break. I can already see Christian and Nico bragging about it to their friends.
So FUN!! You LOOK GREAT, YOU DON'T look pregnant. Your kids are SO BEAUTIFUL!!! They are so big. I hope we see you guys soon.
We are going to Disneyland at the end of May.
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