Our Baby #4. I think we finally got it right on the fourth try. I love that Izzy has a sister and the boys are just in love with her. She is lucky. She has so many people that love her. I couldn't be happier with the pics. I'm also enjoying the newborn stage. She eats ALL THE TIME and goes right back to sleep after waking for a feeding. This time will go by so quickly. Before I know it she will be running around the house saying "Basta!" I hope that is not too soon.
Congratulations, you did it again- added one more beautiful person to the world. The pictures are very cute.
Awesome pictures :) She is SO adorable...you have such cute kids!
Can't wait to get my hands on her :)
She is gorgeous and you look beautiful. For some odd reason I became emotional when I saw these photos. The beauty that is a newborn is just overwhelming.(it's a good thing)Then I see how little she is and think wow my lil' Andriana is growing sooo fast. I love how our girlie's names are similar we rock at naming our children. Congrats on another beautiful angel.
she is beautiful of course. i love the pic on the suitcase, too cute.
she's so adorable and you look great too! SO sweet!!
Carolina, Oh my goodness. I saw a post on facebook tonight from Elisa and I thought to myself "Carolina probably had her baby". So I went to your blog. I am so so sorry about your darling little girl. She looks so great and healthy in these pictures; she is precious and I love the name Lili it is soooo cute. You and your family are in our prayers. It is amazing what life brings us isn't it? I hope you are doing well, I would love to see you again. I think Kim and Korby were going to be around for the holidays, if you are let us know. Love you!!!
She is SO beautiful!! We would love to see you and your family.
Not sure if you remember me from Moscow.. But this is mikelle belliston. Wow, what hard times you must be going through right. now. I cannot imagine. Your strength is encouraging and your faith so strong. I send my prayers your way! My little girl has had a tough go her for awile now! I know the only thing that has kept me going and upbeat was knowing that my savior loves me. Bless you and your cute family!
she is beautiful!
congratulations from the barkers! xo
Wow! I was just reading through your blog. It's been a while since I have been in the blogging world. First of all-congrats, Lili is absolutely beautiful! I can't believe the trials you have faced in her short little life. I am glad that things look to be going up for now. Congrats, again on #4!
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