Yesterday Lili had a Naso Gastric (NG) tube placed because she has not yet perfected swallowing. The tube inserts at the nose and ends in her stomach. Carolina says her droop is getting better. Lili had to get a new IV placed in her head to continue receiving nutrition through her veing. For some reason Lili's sodium levels are low. The NG tube and IV nutrition are helping bring those up. The eye specialist has not yet seen Lili, hopefully he/she will come sometime this week. Lili had an Ultra Sound of her brain, and it looks like the brain is well developed, Carolia says "that's a big releif." The 48 hour blood work came back as negative, and the antibiotics were stopped, Yeah!! Carolina is doing well, she 's very grateful for all the love and support from friends and family! Thank you so much for your prayers and your thoughts!
A very special thanks to Katie Smith for scrubbing the house top to bottom! the second Carolina walked in the house and smelled the sentsy, she got very emotional. On her behalf I feel it safe to say she feels so blessed living near close friends who recognize her needs and who are so willing to help fulfill those needs. It's also comforting knowing that Elisa is there too! Carolina couldn't ask for a better sister (other than me, haha). Thanks for taking Isabella!
So happy that little Lili seems to be doing better! She (and the whole family) have been in each one of our prayers. Hope she continues to get good results and great news from the doctors!
Thanks for updating the blog, too! We can wait to meet little Liliana!
It's good to get an update on how little Lili is doing.. we've been wondering.. and hoping that she's making improvements. We've been praying for you guys... even the kids.. it's nice to hear them pray for Jamie & Carolina and their new baby Lili. Hang in there... I know what it feels like to have a baby and find out that there are things that aren't quite right... it's hard and very emotionally, mentally and physically draining. Have faith and trust in the Lord, that's the only thing that gets me through...
We love you guys and can't wait to see you and especially little Liliana! I love her name, it's so cute!
Thanks for the update. I haven't stopped thinking about you. I am so glad to hear things are looking better. We love you.
Hey guys! We love you and are praying for your little Lili! We sure miss you guys, and wish I could come bring you dinner and bring your kids over to play! xoxo
We'll keep Lili in our prayers! So sorry to hear that she had a rocky start. And I'm sure a sunny-side up delivery wasn't fun! :( I hope you guys are hanging in there and getting the rest that you need. we miss you all!
We have you guys in our prayers.. So glad you have many friends around you Caro.. Miss you guys and thinking of you all everyday.. xoxox
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